It is estimated that logistics carbon reduction during the double eleven will be more than 60000 tons


Cainiao announced for the first time that it expects logistics carbon reduction during the double eleven will be more than 60000 tons and will generate more than 2 billion green activities


Cainiao announced on Oct 27 that it expects to achieve more than 60,000 tons of carbon reduction in logistics and generate more than 2 billion green activities during this year's Double 11.


Cainiao said that this will be a double 11 green logistics event with the highest social participation, involving the widest range of consumers, merchants, delivery workers and carbon reduction platforms. T-mall's "Double 11" released the carbon emission reduction forecast value for the first time, which means that Cainiao has changed from pursuing scale to pursuing development quality. Not only deliver more, but also to deliver green.


In order to encourage consumers to participate in the green logistics recycling project, this year Cainiao launched the "Express Packaging For Eggs" action for the second consecutive year. During the period from November 1 to 20, Cainiao's 130,000 Courier stations across the country are open to recycling packages. Consumers can get eggs in Cainiao's APP green home after they leave the package and scan the code on site. More than a million eggs and other gifts have been prepared this year.


What is different from last year is that Cainiao is also piloting the use of IoT smart devices in some stations this year to automatically identify express packages and lower the threshold for consumers to participate in green recycling. It is expected that 6 million packages will be recycled through Cainiao during the Double 11 and used locally for recycling. Half of the deliveries sent by consumers through Cainiao will use old delivery boxes. Cartons that cannot be used twice will be pulped into paper and then made into exercise books, which will be given to primary school students by public welfare organizations.


On the Double 11 this year, businesses are also more active in participating in green logistics. At present, thousands of merchants and 150,000 products have joined Cainiao's Green supply chain. This year, Cainiao jointly launched the "50 grams Carbon Reduction Alliance" with more than 10 brands, including Yili and Unilever, to jointly explore carbon reduction paths covering the upstream and downstream of the supply chain. According to the calculation, the merchants entering Cainiaos warehouse can reduce carbon by at least 50g per packaging through the carbon reduction processes such as packing algorithm, original box delivery, intelligent warehouse separation, etc. The deep cooperation between Cainiao and Yili also helps Yili establish a leading recycling link for old packaging.


The relevant person in charge of Cainiao said that green logistics is the core of Cainiao ESG, and green logistics also needs the participation of the whole society. Cainiao is lowering the threshold for all parties to participate in green logistics through the construction of terminal stations and the application of digital technology capabilities, so that the whole society can participate in green logistics.

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