Development Prospect of Paper Packaging Industry In China


1. Policy support


Manufacturing is a pillar industry of our country, and it has been one of the key developing industries in our nation.


As a green and environmentally friendly service-oriented manufacturing industry, paper packaging industry has always been strongly supported by national policies, such as "

Guiding Opinions On Accelerating The Transformation And Development Of Packaging Industry In China", "China Packaging Industry Development Plan (2016-2020)" and other documents have put forward supporting and guiding opinions on the development of paper packaging:


"Develop high-end paper packaging products. Support the use of recycled paper as raw materials to develop low-weight, high-strength, functional, personalized, customized and refined packaging products to improve the quality of paper packaging. Focus on the use of low-cost technology to enhance the performance of paper packaging products and provide a guarantee for the realization of packaging reduction. Break through the key technologies of paper packaging products such as waterproof, moisture-proof, antibacterial, flame retardant, etc., and expand the application scope of paper products. Pay attention to the development of paper display packaging, focusing on the development of high-end pulp molding, micro-corrugated , foldable paper honeycomb and other packaging products, improve the application performance of paper packaging".


The encouragement and support of industrial policies will create a favorable external environment for the development of the industry, which will promote capacity expansion and technological innovation.


2. Increasingly stringent environmental policies and strengthened concept of environmental protection


The use of plastic not only brings great convenience to social life, but also causes increasingly serious damage to the living environment of human beings.


With the improvement of people's awareness of environmental protection, the international community has issued "plastic restriction orders" or "plastic prohibition orders". The national Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued the opinions on further strengthening plastic pollution control on January 19, 2020, proposing that:


"By 2020, take the lead in banning and restricting the production, sales and use of some plastic products in some regions and fields. By 2022, the consumption of disposable plastic products will be significantly reduced, alternative products will be promoted, and plastic waste will be recycled into energy. The utilization ratio has been greatly increased; in areas with prominent plastic pollution problems and emerging fields such as e-commerce, express delivery, and takeaway, a batch of replicable and popularized plastic reduction and green logistics models will be formed. By 2025, plastic products will be produced, circulated, and consumed. The management system for links such as recycling and disposal has been basically established, a multi-dimensional co-governance system has been basically formed, the level of development and application of alternative products has been further improved, the amount of plastic waste landfill in key cities has been greatly reduced, and plastic pollution has been effectively controlled.”


With the implementation and strengthening of the  "plastic restriction orders" or "plastic prohibition orders", as well as the popularization of the concept of environmental protection, as an important alternative to plastic packaging, the paper product packaging industry will usher in important development opportunities.


3. Expansion of social consumption scale and model upgrade


In recent years, with the continuous growth of China's economy, the disposable income of residents and social consumption demand have also increased. The social consumption structure has been constantly upgraded and new consumption models such as online shopping and takeout have been rising. From 2015 to 2021, the total retail sales of consumer goods online were 3.88 trillion yuan, 5.16 trillion yuan, 7.18 trillion yuan, 9.01 trillion yuan, 10.63 trillion yuan, 11.76 trillion yuan and 1.309 billion yuan respectively. The compound growth rate was as high as 22.48% which strongly drove the growth of the paper product packaging industry.

Get in touch with us to discuss how Jingxiong Paper Product can manufacture custom paper packaging for your products and applications.

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