The Blue Ocean Trend of Environment-friendly Paper Packaging Have Appeared


The Blue Ocean Trend of Environment-friendly Paper Packaging Have Appeared

With the improvement of living standards, consumers have a higher pursuit of commodities. While packaging bears the responsibility of protecting products and attracting attention. At the same time, the selection of packaging materials must meet the requirements of degradable and recyclable in accordance with the enhancement of consumers' awareness of environmental protection. 



Paper container has the advantages of low cost, resource saving, good mechanical processing performance, being able to adapt to large-scale mechanized production, easily to print, harmless and non-toxic in use and easily to recycle and so on. At present, paper container such as paper cups, boxes and paper bags are becoming more and more popular among consumers. And green environmental characteristics also make paper container the first choice for packaging materials.


Tetra Pak - the first paper packaging box for congee in the world


Tetra Pak, with its Tetra Pak packaging, has teamed up with Royal Chitralada Projects to launch the world's first congee products packaged in paper box. This packaging has a high fresh preservation effect, which keeps the product fresh for months without preservatives. In addition, Tetra Paks packaging is environmentally friendly by adopting a recyclable, low-carbon production method. More than two-thirds of Tetra Pak's raw materials come from renewable forests and can be recycled into new products such as tiles and cartons. Compared with traditional cans, the same volume of Tetra Pak packaging weighs only one-tenth to one-sixth of the former, and the transportation energy consumption is less. Research shows that the carbon emission of Tetra Pak in the production process is 75% lower than that of glass cans and 80% lower than that of steel cans.

Paper Packaging

BASF launches compostable food paper trays


BASF has announced a partnership with Australian food packaging manufacturer Confoil to develop DualPakECO®, a compostable paper food tray that offers an alternative to traditional PET packaging. Composting tests have shown that DualPakECO® trays can be decomposed into water, carbon dioxide and nutrient-rich compound fertilizer in four to six weeks under commercial composting conditions. This tray can not only be heated in traditional ovens and microwaves, but also be refrigerated or frozen. It has a good barrier to fat, liquid and odor, and helps to maintain freshness and taste of food.

Paper container

Pizza Tray designed by Zume Pizza Company


The Pizza Tray designed by Zume Pizza Company in the United States was successfully shortlisted for the DuPont Packaging Innovation Award. The package is made of 100% sustainable sugarcane fibre, non tree and biodegradable. The tray can keep pizza crisp and warm for a longer period of time. It maximizes the absorption of grease and moisture so that the pizza can remain warm and crisp long after leaving the oven.

paper packaging box

Paper noodles packaging


The Paper noodles packaging was designed by Emily Enrica, an Australian student. The packaging material is 100% biodegradable pulp, which has good adaptability and high recyclability. It is easy to handle, degrade and has reached the safety of microwave oven and food safety tested by FDA. The design of the box conforms to ergonomic, and the design of hot insulation is adopted for comfortable holding. The label on the cover keeps the noodles sealed and increases the flavor time.

Paper Packaging

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